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YouTube Ad Guy Tai Lopez Caught Lying, Possibly Exposed As Scam Artist -10/20/15 at 5:07 PM CDTby Perry Rod

A new YouTube advertisement by self-help marketer Tai Lopez entitled "Here in My Backyard" appears to display a home that is likely not owned by Mr. Lopez. The ad is a follow up to a now famous and parodied advertisement, "Here in My Garage", where Lopez shows expensive cars he claims to own and offers to help others achieve wealth. A video by h3h3Product...


Prediction: Google To Become the Most Profitable Company in the World -04/10/09 at 12:40 PM CDTby Ted Arrington-flowers

As a former stock broker, 20-year stock trader and serial entrepreneur my life experiences have given me a unique perspective to back the prediction made in this report that Google will become the largest and most profitable company in the world within 20 years. From investing experiences I learned as all savvy investors know by now that innovation that d...


Yahoo's Search Yields No Results -11/07/08 at 11:44 AM CSTby Peter York

Yahoo (YHOO)'s CEO Jerry Yang is in trouble.  When Microsoft (MSFT)'s CEO Steve Ballmer ruled out another bid for the search giant, he sent a message to Yahoo's board of directors: your management is incompetent. Yahoo Chief Executive Jerry Yang said at an industry conference that Microsoft's best option was to buy his company and Yahoo is still will...

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