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Peak Oil & Mainstream Attention Reveals A New Economic Pattern -06/11/09 at 7:49 PM CDTby Reggie Abaca

Look out everybody.  Suddenly, the mainstream media is talking about peak oil, as if they've been just as concerned all along.  This spells trouble for the world economy as it is a significant change in behavior from the mainstream outlets. It is absolutely true and we've been saying it for years - oil production has hit its peak in most of the ...


THQ Inc. Sells Over 1 Million UFC Undisputed Copies In First Month -06/11/09 at 6:40 PM CDTby Mahyar Hashemi

According to research group NPD, UFC Undisputed moved just over a million copies in its first twelve days on the shelf in North America.  That may explain why THQ stock is up 64% since its release date.  Analysts were expecting much fewer first month sales.  Wedbush Morgan senior analyst Michael Pachter had predicted 400,000 copies to sell ...


Digital Downloads Make For Great Stories About GameStop, But Little S... -06/11/09 at 12:34 PM CDTby Mahyar Hashemi

Gamestop Inc. (GME) stock has seen a valuation plunge in recent months.  Strong earnings and consistent growth do not have everybody convinced.  It's due to the most idealized repeated story about the video game industry today.  In ten years, they say, half of all video games will be downloaded. What? Based on what, exactly? The PC download...


Overstock CEO Calls Out Jim Chanos on Insider Trading, Naked Short Se... -06/10/09 at 12:04 PM CDTby Perry Rod

Partial transcript of Overstock CEO Patrick Byrne on Fox Business News (06/05/09): "Let me describe the activity that Jim Chanos is covering up with what I think is smoke and mirrors.  The SEC has confirmed an investigation into Jim Chanos.  E-mails have emerged from a New Jersey courthouse that document that an analyst at Morgan Keegan was feed...


THQ Inc. and Take Two Interactive - A Similar Value? -06/10/09 at 11:22 AM CDTby Perry Rod

According to recent trading, video game companies THQ Inc (THQI). and Take Two (TTWO) Interactive Software, Inc. have a nearly identical market capitalization value.  THQ stock has nearly tripled in the last three months on word of solid sales of their new games, UFC Undisputed and Red Faction Guerilla.  But do these companies really deserve sim...


THQ Unloads a Powerful Punch at E3 -06/09/09 at 3:04 PM CDTby Mahyar Hashemi

Since the start of the E3 Expo in Los Angeles just five business days ago, THQ Inc. stock has soared nearly 27% as of midday trading today. Investors must have been impressed.  THQ showed off Darksiders, Homefront and Warhammer, along with current releases Red Faction and UFC Undisputed.  THQ stock had hit a low of $2.23 this year as a...


As Majesco CEO Meets With Investors, Stock Soars 20% -06/03/09 at 11:09 AM CDTby Perry Rod

In a small private area at the E3 video game convention in Los Angeles, Majesco Entertainment's CEO Jesse Sutton met with private investors yesterday.  Apparently someone liked what they heard.  In midday trading, Majesco is up over 20%. Majesco showed off several of its DS and Wii products including the anticipated A Boy and His Blob on th...

THQ Ships Two Million Copies of UFC Undisputed -06/03/09 at 8:13 AM CDTby Mahyar Hashemi

In a special message to investors, THQ Inc. (THQI) CEO Brian Farrell announced that the new mixed martial arts title, UFC Undisputed, has shipped over two million copies worldwide.  He added that he is, "very pleased with the sell through" of those copies.  The game released in North America on May 19th. On their May 7th conference call, Farrell...


Take Two Interactive Unveils Bioshock 2 Multiplayer at E3 Expo -06/02/09 at 10:21 PM CDTby Perry Rod

Upstairs in a private room, away from the spectacle that is the E3 Expo floor convention, Take Two (TTWO) Interactive privately showed us Bioshock 2 Multiplayer. The original and highly acclaimed Bioshock did not have a multiplayer experience, which analysts suggest limited sales despite the rave reviews. But hold onto your hats.  Not only does the s...


Same Old Gamestop Fears Pressure Stock -06/02/09 at 12:38 AM CDTby Mahyar Hashemi

Every year it's the same old fears with Gamestop.  The company is running out of time, they say, facing a new world of downloading and new competition.  They are the next Blockbuster, they say. They said it last year, they said it the year before, and the year before that and so on.  This latest round of fears is likely why while many other...


SEC Accuses Matthew Brown from ADVFN's Investor Hub of Penny Stock Ma... -05/25/09 at 3:22 PM CDTby Perry Rod

Forget about illegal naked short selling and other hedge fund profiteering schemes that may have brought down the world economy.  The United States Securities and Exchange Commission has more important matters occupying its attention. In a complaint filed in Delaware by the SEC, founder and operator Matthew Brown and seven others wer...


With Media Absent, a Senator Speaks Out About Naked Short Selling -05/05/09 at 7:53 PM CDTby Mark Mitchell

Last night, CNBC’s Jim Cramer interviewed Senator Ted Kaufman about the problem of abusive short selling. The Senator said: “We gotta have people feel that they’re getting a fair share and the market’s on the level…Clearly, every indication is that things went on in terms of short selling – both in Bear Stearns and Leh...

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