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Move Over Fox News, Drudge Is Losing His Mind

By Peter York, Published: November 3rd, 2008 2:15 PM CST

I think Matt Drudge at is losing his mind.  In the last few weeks his accusations against candidate Obama have become borderline insane.  Now, on the day before election day, he is accusing Barack Obama of flipping off John McCain when the guy was just scratching his face.

Fox News (NWS) has never looked more moderate.  Indeed, the Republican Party is altogether losing it.

It started with Ron Paul showing that the party was broken into a radical religious neo conservative segment and a traditional hardcore libertarian segment.  Paul was shunned by the mainstream media and left out of debates by Fox News.

But that was only the beginning. had started the year looking like it was not taking sides.  But in the months preceding this election, all has changed and Drudge has gone nuts, looking for any opportunity to put up a "shock" message that will grab mainstream media's attention.

Meanwhile, the once dominant Drudge is losing mainstream credibility altogether.  His stories are more and more being ignored by national press.

Some have suggested that the contrast has made Fox News seem less biased.  Indeed, MSNBC is making no apologies for their radical left agenda, which creates yet another contrast.

The reality is that media is actually becoming more honest.  People are coming to realize that each brand has its own way of twisting the truth.  As time goes on, I think it will only empower internet news writers as the centralized media is exposed for what it is: biased selective news.

Related: NWS

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very well put - I was an avid Drudge visitor un...

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