Moderators are the architects of our investment community
We Need Moderators! - please Sign Up if you are interested
We believe that gifted individual investors deserve a superior investment forum where they can develop and share information with other investors who are hungry for information. Rather than wasting time writing and reading messages in a Wild West forum filled with spam and verbal vomit (you know what we're talking about!), we seek out gifted investors who are looking to contribute and share information with other investors.
We provide moderators with the ultimate responsibility. Market Rap is the only destination on the internet providing a way for investors to discuss, maintain and record information solely about individual analysts, journalists, market makers and company executives. Oversight Pages are an innovation for this industry that we believe will become an extremely important resource over time.
Individual stock boards are also maintained by moderators, all of which are selected by the administrators of the site who, as our community expands, will eventually give full control of the site to the moderators.
If you are interested in becoming a moderator of Market Rap, please Sign Up. For a limited time, we are also allowing new members to Create a Board and automatically become moderators, subject to review and approval.