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Reggie Abaca




03/05/09 at 11:02 PM CST



READ: 831







Is The DTCC, Which Clears and Settles Securities Transactions, Completely Unregulated?

According to Patrick Byrne, CEO of Overstock, The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC), which assumes a role that requires government oversight,  is completely unregulated.

In a message posted on the Deep Capture business blog, Byrne says he hired two securities lawyers to find out who actually regulates The Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, the company that clears and settles securities transactions in the United States.  They apparently found no definitive answer, suggesting that the DTCC is possibly unregulated.

Byrne noted that the Congressional Research Service put out an extensive report on February 24, 2009 about the financial regulatory system, entitled “Who Regulates Whom? An Overview of U.S. Financial Supervision ” and curiously made no mention of the DTCC or the subject of securities settlement.

This is despite the fact that the Securities Exchange Act of 1934  prominently discussed a "National System for Clearance and Settlement of Securities Transactions."

"It seems that in 1934 Congress thought having securities transactions clear and settle promptly was pretty important," writes Byrne.

Indeed, the SEC act called the institution “necessary for the protection of investors.”

This is not the first time Byrne and his colleagues have discussed and criticized the DTCC and its lack of oversight.  A journalist at Deep Capture, Judd Bagley, had earlier discovered through an Internet Protocal (IP) address, that someone from the DTCC's corporate office had been trying to smear Patrick Byrne on Wikipedia and various message boards.  According to Bagley, the DTCC actually hired a person to do this in order to improve their public relations and was caught doing it from the corporate office.

Regardless, if Byrne's suggestion that the institution which clears and settles securities transactions in the United States is, in fact, unregulated, it would mean that short selling is also unregulated.  More specifically, it would mean that illegal naked short selling, which the SEC has said it has stopped, still has a wide loophole called the DTCC, a powerful unregulated corporate institution that monopolizes clearance and settlement of all United States securities transactions.

Does anybody do actual reporting nowadays? At least you cited your source, but for the love of God, please recognize that all sources aren't created equal and some may need more background checking than others. Bryne is the biggest FUD-spreader of them all. In fact, Bryne got taken by his security lawyers, either that, or they don't know how to use Google.

Run this in Gooogle: site:dtcc.com "regulated by"

Agr :0

Dis :0




Sue Abq






03/07/09 at 3:34 AM CST

I don't know whether the DTCC and its subsidiaries are really regulated or not and it doesn't seem to be discussed in the article, but I do know that a couple years ago everybody was saying that naked short selling was a conspiracy theory kind of fiction.  Today, everybody and their mother admits that it has been real and needed to be stopped.

When I look back, Byrne was one of the only people who stood up and made noise about this issue while other corporate executives quitely let their shareholders get victimized.  I wouldn't call that FUD... unless you believe that naked short selling is fiction?

As for the DTCC, how could you trust a system that is monopolized by one for-profit entity?  And even if the SEC regulates it, what sort of regulation is it really?  Have you ever dealt with the SEC?  Out of 100,000 crimes, it would be a miracle if they catch 1.

Agr :0

Dis :0




Perry Rod






03/07/09 at 10:07 PM CST

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