Fluctuations in CIEN day-to-day make Jon and my shorting it thru
options look good and bad, depending on what day it is. I do expect
that the CC on or about Sept 2nd will make those ITM bets, or push
it below what the premium we've collected is. The names in the
sector really seem to have outsized reactions (speaking of which,
yeah, INFN's losing 1/3 of their value after being beaten with a
bicycle chain put me in a temporary coma.) Part of my thought on
the CIEN CC is that nobody has had a really had a good CC, so I
think perhaps this period is likely to be sector-wide - altho
that's in contrast to the interview with CIEN's CEO that lt cap
posted. And then there is Jon's 'options voodoo' where he's offered
up the same lot of INFN an ungoly number of times and just pocketed
the premium - can't get rid of the damn thing. As for the
sector - CSCO, whose price has held up surprising well, and
actually advanced during this period, topping 30, just announced a
job cut of 5,500 as a cost saving measure.
And Jester - post how the EA short goes - I'd like to see what
happens with that.
This article has comments from Acaci regarding INTC entering the
sector. What he states applies to INFN. That said, lets
keep in mind that he is certainly biased, but his arguments do
carry some truth to them. And I should state that even if Acacia
does not compete directly with INFN, it does enable other equipment
vendors to boast that their products are also based on PIC
technology. INFN must saty in balls to the wall mode to keep their
lead over the rest of the field.
Off Topic
08/18/16 at 1:23 PM CDT