Way OT - CIEN, but also some
<p>OT - Optical networking is sure a strange place. CIEN
did a 'mini-soar' after the only good CC among almost all companies
this time around, I think. But after it went $23+, it's now fallen
back sub-$22 - which is the stk of the Sept. 16th calls. I don't
know why, and I don't particularly care, unless there's substance
behind the move. 'Brownian motion', probably. But I may end up like
Jon, who has written calls on the INFN held for years and optioned
out a ton of times with no INM prices at expiration.</p>
<p>WAY way ot - Has anybody here been playing 'No Man's Sky'?
I was excited by the concept of vast space exploration with
procedurally generated planets.But after playing it or waaaay too
many hours, I have to admit the play is dull, if not pointless, and
is so full of dozen of bugs, from erratic and unbearable FPS
rendering, and some of the things being completely and hair-pulling
broken. In reality, it has to be a 'sub beta' version that they
rushed out the door. They're dribbling out patches that are
supposed to correct the dozens of bugs. But they involve starting
your game OVER AGAIN, as you cannot plug in the saved game that you
spent - how many hours on? A friend of mine got the game for free
at lauch. Even he feels gypped.</p>
Today may not be a good market day, so it might be a good day to
buy the CIEN calls I sold. I like the rinse and repeat method.
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09/13/16 at 8:21 AM CDT
Good luck, as you have had on other options. This may be the
rather stupid money, but at .10 to close, I'd lose about 10% of my
premium. Think I may see how it does as the week goes on.
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09/13/16 at 2:43 PM CDT