NOK suing Apple
Looks like the negotiations to extend the agreement with Apple
broke down. Apparently the expiring agreement was for some of
the patents but Apple had been using many others for free.
Nokia was probably asking Apple to come clean and agree to paying
royalties on those as well.
The law suit will be lengthy and costly.
Some thoughts on this NOK vs. APPL lawsuit:
As I stated in the previous post, this promises to be
lengthy and costly. That said, the European community has a
definite bent against US multi-nationals. NOK stands a very
good chance of winning this in Europe.
NOK also chose carefully where to file the lawsuit in the
US. Texas is a much friendlier place for Davids to go against
Goliath type corporations. It recently sided with a smaller company
suing Apple.
In the last several years European countries have gone
against the likes of APPL, GOOG and Facebook for a variety of
things including taxes, privacy and recently for fake news. Europe
is getting more and more protectionist.
Off Topic
12/21/16 at 6:30 PM CST