OT - I've tried not to go into political rants (successful or
not) but the one I read today just blows me away. I am hoping to
God that this is a story that will get widespread play from the
journalists, and not let this go under the radar. One of
orders Trump overturned today (in addition to such ablishing
such things as clean air, water, and coal restrictions) was one to
make bribery legal: The regulation, part of the Dodd-Frank bill,
was that companies have to publicly disclose what taxes, royalties,
and other types of fees are paid to foreign governments for rights
of 'extraction'. (Hello Exxon) The Reps have struggled for years to
get that repealed (or block its enactment), and it was finally
judge-ordered to take effect in 2018. Story said the
Reps find that law 'abusive', so Trump signs it, it gets sent to
the legislature, and it's a simple majority rule vote. Part of the
rationale was that it would 'raise prices' if the companies
involved had to disclose such information. (I don't see how - and
if so, raise prices more than the bribes to foreign governments
that are paid now?)
I may well be behind the curve, and everybody knows this
already. Sorry - first story I read once I woke up. I 'googled' it,
and got nothing regarding this regulation (Zerohedge did have a
story about how the 'Trump-25k Dow crowd was completely misreading
the market.)
I've been very puzzled by the Dow going up in leaps and bounds,
regardless of what President Impulse' just thought of doing. I
*think* I get it - all signals 'go' for companies to do whatever
the hell they want, no accountability. Got lead in your water? It's
one of the 12 necessary minerals (like calcium) your body needs.
Forget about it.
I wish I knew what I could personally do to try and contain such
alarming crap. I live in a 'pure blue' state. And why would
any Republican care?