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02/10/17 at 12:27 PM CST










OT - LT cap discovers windows copy method!

OT - Well, what an enlightening surprise. Checked up on lt cap's 'curing' of the copy and paste 'virus' and found that copy plus ControlV works. Hallelujah. And thank you President Trump: So I made a call to this North Korean Kim Il Jun or whatever his name is - can't pronounce it - worst name in the world. So in our talk I told him he looks like the"Pillsbury Doughboy'  - because he does. This guy could kill you just  by sitting on you, believe me. So then he nuked Los Angeles, OK? Did us the biggest favor in the world - Los Angeles was such a blue city - so full of communists, gays, fat Mexicans, and Rag-heads - you know, those Islamic terrorist people who spend all night and day hating America? And they go around wearing a diaper on their heads - every day.. So sad! Anyway, we knew they found a way to make plastic explosives out of Silly Putty there, alright? Worst city in the US, ever. So we had big plans to nuke it ourselves, anyway. Did us a big, big favor. The Chinese leader called, and begged to talk to me. Invited me to go visit him at their capitol - pretty sure it's Chinatown - big honor! I tried to tell him I liked what they did - you know, they were the first to build a wall to keep 'the '"Bad Dude Chinese" out. Total freeze on immigration. Very nice. Good job. But he kept saying rude things like he was putting us 'on notice' about our support of nuclear proliferation. I didn't understand the 'proliferation' part, but it sounds like it has 'pro life' in it, so I told him that yes, we were big fans of 'proliferation'.  That made him more upset, and he started talking again about this 'proliferation' thing. So I tell him he's using 'fake words' and he doesn't even know how to speak English - greatest language ever. And it's so obvious he doesn't even know what he's talking about. And  I had enough of this 'on notice' threat So rude!  No respect at all. So I said, "You and what army?" And then I told him that Chinese workers were the worst in the world. Will work for 89 cents an hour. No self respect! -  none at all.  And he's wasting my time. So I told him to go back to making Nike shoes for us, or play Chinese checkers or whatever. But don't ever call me again, and I slammed down the phone.

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