Over the years, investors have increasingly relied on Amazon.com
charts to provide them with an idea of how new video games are
performing. This morning, THQ Inc. is up around 10% on what
appears to be excitement over their new game offering, uDraw for
the Wii, rising to
Amazon's top 10 as the #2 title on the Wii since its release
two days ago. THQ admitted during their last conference call
that their third quarter relied heavily on uDraw's performance
calling it one of two "key titles" for the holiday (the other being
WWE titles). However, hitting the top 10 in Amazon's chart
might be a breakthrough.
Or it might not.
It's important to note that in the entire month of October,
Ubisoft's Just Dance 2 ranked at number 7 on Amazon's overall
bestseller chart. Yet, it sold around 286,000 copies
according to NPD. That's not bad but it is not groundbreaking
if that type of number were to apply to a new release.
Investors would be wise to note that the title ranks
#33 on the Wii at GameStop.com and it's listed as the
#10 Wii title at WalMart.com. On Amazon, the top selling
Wii title continues to be Just Dance 2, suggesting uDraw may be
selling less than that title, which is now in its second month.
Of course, THQ may have risen based on valuation, excitement
over its March 2011 release Homefront, or a number of other
factors. Nevertheless, uDraw's Amazon ranking may or may not
be the breakthrough investors are looking for after digging into
the Amazon charts more carefully.
Disclosure: author has
opened a short position in THQ