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Reggie Abaca

News Here's the list just for today: AT&a...



Reggie Abaca

Analysis Today, American Express announced the...



Reggie Abaca

News I can confirm this to be true because...


American Express Company Featured Analysis


At Least 30,000 More Jobs Cut - Just Another Day

by Reggie Abaca, Published: December 4th, 2008 1:01 PM CST

Here's the list:

AT&T said it would cut 12,000 jobs, which is 4% of its workforce.

Credit Suisse Group said it would cut 6,500 staff jobs, 11% of its worldwide work force.

DuPont said it would cut 2,500 jobs.

Viacom Inc. said it would cut 850 jobs, or 7% of its workforce.

Jefferies Group said it was cutting 358 jobs.

The Carlyle Group said Wednesday that is cutting 100 jobs.


American Express Company SELECTED ARTICLES


At Least 30,000 More Jobs Cut - Just Another Day
Here's the list: AT&T said it would cut 12,000 jobs, which is 4% of its workforce. ...


American Express Appearing Ultra Conservative
Today, American Express announced they will cut 10% of their work force.  American...

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