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Mark Mitchell

Media Coverage “Telling the truth is only poss...


Time Warner Inc. Media Oversight


Roddy Boyd

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Roddy Boyd, Formerly of News Corporation and Time Warner Inc., and the Bear Stearns Insider

by Mark Mitchell, Published: October 13th, 2009 3:21 PM CDT

“Telling the truth is only possible by accident through a special sort of boastfulness…”

- Fyodor Dostoevsky, “The Idiot”

Regular readers of Deep Capture are aware that we have sought to expose certain journalists who seem to serve the interests of a network of market miscreants, many of whom are tied to the famous criminal Michael Milken or his close associates.

One of these journalists is Roddy Boyd, who worked at the News Corporation's (NWS) New York Post before moving to Time Warner Inc's Fortune magazine (TWX). It has come to our attention that Roddy has left Fortune. The magazine did not return a phone call seeking comments on the circumstances behind his departure, but whatever those circumstances might be, it seems fit to honor his departure by publishing an excerpt from a book called “House of Cards.”

In this book, which is written by a Wall Street insider named William Cohan, Roddy is quoted at length, and one particular passage stands out for being quintessentially Roddy. While you are reading the passage, keep in mind that I spent a number of hours talking to Roddy some years ago, and can report that he has a manner of speaking that is similar to what Dostoevsky called “a special sort of boastfulness” –which is to say that Roddy likes to stroke his own back, and in so doing, he often rambles in such a way as to unintentionally admit to his own buffoonery, or to some form of miscreancy on the part of his favorite Wall Street sources.

In this passage, Roddy tells the story of certain communications he had with Tom Marano,…



Roddy Boyd, Formerly of News Corporation and Time Warner Inc., and the Bear Stearns Ins...
“Telling the truth is only possible by accident through a special sort of boastfu...

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